Tuesday, August 28, 2012


today was my second day of classes & let me say that i've completely forgotten how time consuming college is. you have school, friends, work, extracurriculars, & not to mention your own personal well being like gym time or reading or sleeping. so to help me out i've decided to create a list. 

goals for school
1. make it to the deans list- apparently your GPA has to be a billion.00 
2. participate- i can't speak in front of people, i-i-i g-gett rrreall nerrvous 
3. keep papers organized- literally my goal every academic year

goals for life
1. make my workout schedule & stick to it- i really need to write this down & make it more concrete
2. make new friends while maintaining my old ones- i need people otherwise i talk to walls
3. try new activities & clubs- harder than it sounds cause sometimes you just end up on the mailing list but never actually go to meetings
4. eat well- is there such a thing as the sophomore 15? 
5. keep my room clean- my roommate will kill me otherwise

hope you've had a good start to your week! 

ps~ because i am a college student if i don't post for a while, don't worry i'm not dead i'm just under a huge pile of books, but i'll resurface eventually! 

1 comment:

  1. Cute post. I don't think I had a list like this when I was in college. Not as organized as you are:)
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